"I Will Work With You One-On-One To Develop A LinkedIn Marketing Strategy For Your Business..."If you are a financial advisor who wants to develop a LinkedIn marketing strategy to get more clients, then I would like to help you. Here’s the deal…
I am offering forty 60-minute "LinkedIn intensives” for financial advisors. This is your chance for me to help you craft your LinkedIn strategy. We will have a Zoom meeting together to improve:
And the best part? I Will Record The Entire Thing For You So You Can Implement Everything As Soon As We're Done!Here is my promise to you…
At the end of our 60-minute LinkedIn intensive, you will walk away with a crystal-clear idea of how to leverage LinkedIn to get more clients. I will look at your entire business (not merely your LinkedIn profile) to engineer the best approach possible. I have been helping financial advisors get more clients since 2015. Over the years, I’ve seen the highs and lows, navigated numerous changes, and weathered industry shake-ups. Through it all, I’ve identified several strategies that consistently yield excellent results for financial advisors, and I’d like to share them with you. Even though I've made videos and podcast episodes about LinkedIn marketing, I realize some people prefer personal help. So, I’m offering it now. This LinkedIn intensive will be 100% tailored to you and your business. How Much Is It?$2,500.
Not cheap! But that's a good thing. You probably don't want cheap, do you? Here's Why This Is A Great Deal For You...Many financial advisors charge 1% of AUM. And those who provide comprehensive financial planning charge between $3,000 and $5,000 per plan.
This means if I can help you get one additional client (just one) then I can earn my keep and provide you with a sizable ROI. Other than that, you don’t have to spend weeks or months trying to figure everything out yourself. How much is your time worth? Doesn’t it make more sense to get a proven LinkedIn strategy handed to you on a silver platter? Second, my normal rate is $2,500 for thirty minutes of consulting. So, you are receiving a 50% discount on my consulting rate. Not to mention, that is my rate for general consulting, not crafting a custom-tailored LinkedIn marketing strategy for you. Plus, I think Warren Buffett said it best: “Generally speaking, investing in yourself is the best thing you can do. Anything that improves your own talents; nobody can tax it or take it away from you. They can run up huge deficits and the dollar can become worth far less. You can have all kinds of things happen. But if you’ve got talent yourself, and you’ve maximized your talent, you’ve got a tremendous asset that can return ten-fold.” Here's Why You Should Do It Now...I am only allowing ten people per day to book spots on my calendar. I will do this each day until August 10th. All forty openings will almost certainly sell out.
I offered online ads consultations in 2021 and they sold out. I offered website reviews in 2022 and they sold out. If history is any indicator, that means these will sell out, too. Here's What To Do Next...Here is how we can work together in three easy steps:
During our Zoom meeting, I will ask you questions about your business, your niche, what you’re already doing, and more. I will help you build a LinkedIn strategy that can get you more clients. At the end of our 60-minute email intensive, you will have a plan where no plan existed before. I will take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the process. Remember, I'm only offering ten of these 60-minute LinkedIn intensives per day until August 10th. Once all ten spots are booked each day, I will close this calendar. And if I ever do this again, I will likely raise the price. I look forward to working with you! All Spots Are Taken And This Offer Is Closed. Thank You! |