Why Does My Cat Pee on My Clothes? How to Get Your Cat to Stop Peeing on Clothes, Rugs, and Furniture...This post may contain affiliate links.
If your cat is peeing on your clothes (or anything, really) this could be the most important article you’ve ever read. I’ve always wanted to own a cat. I remember being a teenager reading books about cats, watching cat videos online, and visiting friends with cats. They seemed like such beautiful creatures. They were so majestic, and seemed like they were such great companions. But there was one problem… My parents wouldn’t let me get a pet… not even a goldfish. So when I got older and moved into my first apartment, one of the first things I did was get a cat. It was an adorable Persian cat named Rocky. I loved petting his soft hair and taking care of him in general. I got Rocky when he was a kitten, so I never had any problems with him spraying anywhere. You can imagine my surprise one day when I go out to run errands and come home to find an absolute disaster. For a lack of better words, my amazing cat Rocky had peed… on everything. Mainly my clothes. Words cannot describe how shocked and confused I was. He was doing great. He was using the litter box and I hadn’t had any problems with him in a long time. That’s when I started doing my research and realized that this is a much bigger problem that I realized. Why Do Cats Pee Everywhere?This is called “spraying” and it usually begins when male cats reach sexual maturity. That means when your cat is about five or six months old (although it can take up to a year for late bloomers), he will most likely do exactly what it sounds like: spray urine everywhere.
It’s a territorial mating behavior. Basically your cat is marking his territory with his urine. While it’s completely natural for the cat, it’s a huge inconvenience for the owner, who is left frustrated and confused. Although urine spraying is usually a mating ritual, it can also be a sign of fear, stress, and anxiety. If your kitty is just eight weeks old, he may spray out of panic. I’ve heard horror stories of kittens spraying car windows because they’re scared of car rides. ALSO: Check out Cat Spraying No More - it's an eBook that has been proven to get your cat to stop peeing on your stuff. First, Rule Out A Medical Problem...If your cat is peeing on your clothes, rugs, couches, etc. the first step should be to rule out a medical problem, more specifically a urinary tract infection. A cat can’t understand the complexities of this medical problem - they just know that it hurts when they pee in the litter box, so they look for somewhere more comfortable to go.
This was my first step when I had my problems with Rocky. I asked a friend who owns several cats and she suggested I go straight to the vet to rule out this problem. I found out that Rocky didn’t have a urinary tract infection, but he was still peeing on my clothes. I was dumbfounded. So I started researching how to get cat pee out of clothes. Here’s why I found... How To Get Cat Pee Out Of ClothesIf your clothes have been peed on by your cat, there are a few specific steps that you can take to fix the situation. First, soak up the stain. I know it sounds gross, but get as much pee out of your clothes as possible before you actually start treating anything.
Then you want to spray white vinegar on the stain. White vinegar is something of a miracle worker - my mom used to use it to clean almost anything. Then take baking soda and rub it on top of the vinegar - when you put these two together it will cause a reaction that foams and takes out the stain. Agitate it a little bit and you should be pleasantly surprised to see that the stain is gone! However, rather than just cleaning all the time, a much better solution would be to prevent your cat from peeing on your clothes in the first place. How To Prevent SprayingOne way to prevent spraying is to neuter your cat. When you neuter your cat, you drastically reduce the behaviors of males looking to breed But can it completely stop your cat from peeing on your clothes? Not necessarily.
If you search this topic on various cat forums (like I did) you will read dozens of stories of people who got their cats neutered, only to find their clothes still covered in urine. It’s a disgusting problem and a viable solution is incredibly helpful. Fortunately, that solution exists... How To Get Your Cat To Stop Peeing Outside The Litter Box... For Good!In my experience, the best way to get your cat to stop peeing all over your stuff is through this e-book called Cat Spraying No More.
I had a friend of mine tell me about it - I was definitely skeptical at first (who wouldn’t be?) but I decided that getting it was an extremely small price to pay to fix this problem. After all, I would’ve had to pay ten times that just to replace my clothes… not to mention the time and effort… and cleaning supplies… Cat Spraying No More was written by Sarah Richards, a vet who reveals how to stop your cat peeing outside the litter box… permanently. She explains how many cat owners mistakenly believe that the problem will solve itself. Others give up in frustration and are forced to give their cat away, where someone else is stuck with the problem. Still others scream and shout at their feline friend, which is incredibly counterproductive since it makes the cat even more anxious. But in this e-book, she provides a very simple solution that will finally enable you to:
Sarah had a cat named Timmy that would, you guessed it, pee on everything in sight. The furniture, the corner of the kitchen, on the bed, on her clothes… anywhere but the litter box! Then one day she found a really weird but unbelievably effective trick that encouraged Timmy to pee in the litter box. It worked and she never looked back. For the first time, Timmy peed where he was supposed to, and she never had a problem again. We’re fortunate enough to have Sarah reveal this incredible secret in Cat Spraying No More™. I know it saved me a lot of trouble. I would reveal it in this blog post, but honestly, she deserves all the credit and she deserves to get paid for solving this problem. The cool thing about Cat Spraying No More™ is that it’s a step-by-step guide complete with illustrations. And if you try it out and it doesn’t work for you, she offers a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. She knows that her techniques have been proven to work time and time again, so she puts her money where her mouth is, allowing you to try it for a full 60 days, risk-free. So you have two choices… You can either do exactly what you’re doing right now, allowing your precious kitty to pee all over your stuff. You can get annoyed, stressed out and break your back cleaning up the mess, as well as spend thousands of dollars on cleaning supplies over the life of your cat. Or, you could do the smart thing and invest in Cat Spraying No More™, which is a set of amazing techniques that has been proven to work on thousands of cats, including both mine and the author’s. Remember, it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee anyway. Try it and see if it stops your cat from peeing on everything. If it doesn’t, just get your money back. I know there are a lot of online articles and "reviews" out there which are just shilling the product without ever trying it first.
That's why I uploaded my actual receipt for the product, proving that I actually bought it and used it (I got it during a one-time sale - now it's $37 but still worth every penny). Plus, I was happy to see several bonuses available for download as soon as I purchased, including a cat training manual and 101 recipes for a healthy cat. I hope this helps! Like I said, go check it out here: Cat Spraying No More™. |